Why do we want to serve your next UUA Co-Moderators?
This is a pivotal time for Unitarian Universalism. Our Association and member congregations and communities are experiencing heightened changes, challenges, and transitions. At the same time, the recently adopted shared values present an opportunity for us to articulate our shared faith in a new way. We are enthusiastic about how these values can serve as a foundation for us to live our call more clearly and more boldly in the world.

Together we bring a broad range of leadership experience in UU settings – in congregations, districts, UUA adjacent organizations, UUA General Assembly, the UUA Board of Trustees, and UUA committees. We also have extensive experience in leadership roles in non-UU nonprofit organizations. We worked together for three years on the UUA Appointments Committee, and are excited about this opportunity to team up again. Our team provides leadership continuity (Bill is currently on the UUA Board of Trustees), pastoral presence, and focus on mission-driven organizational leadership.
Learn more about the UUA Moderator Election Process from the UUA itself.
www.uua.org/uuagovernance/elections. Learn about the UUA's Governance Model here so you can see how the role of Moderator fits in the wider eco-system of Unitarian Universalist governance. Here are the policies that govern UUA Elections. |